Sok Leng # 138

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Roberts Family School (October, 2001) Sok Leng is a 17-year-old fourth grade student at the Roberts Family School.  He was ranked second among his 27 classmates at the end of last year.  His parents are farmers who live very close to the school. In Their Own Words. . .  […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Roberts Family School

(October, 2001)

Sok Leng is a 17-year-old fourth grade student at the Roberts Family School.  He was ranked second among his 27 classmates at the end of last year.  His parents are farmers who live very close to the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “In the old school, I had difficulty finding a seat because we did not have enough tables.  Now, we do not have any more problems like this in the new concrete building with big classrooms.”


On school subjects: “I prefer to study Khmer because it is easier than the other subjects.  When I’m not in class, I always read the textbook or newspapers because they tell stories and news from all over the world that I am interested in.”


On his free time: “I like to play volleyball.”


On his future:  “When I grow up, I want to be a farmer.  I think that people need rice to eat every day, so farming is the most important part of daily life.”