San Vy # 138

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Roberts Family School (October, 2001) Mr. San Vy teaches first grade at the Roberts Family School.  He became a teacher in 1998.  In 1995, he lost his leg to a landmine. In Their Own Words. . .  On losing his leg: “At that time [1995], I was a Buddhist […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Roberts Family School

(October, 2001)

Mr. San Vy teaches first grade at the Roberts Family School.  He became a teacher in 1998.  In 1995, he lost his leg to a landmine.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On losing his leg: “At that time [1995], I was a Buddhist monk and I was invited by the neighboring village to hold a ceremony.  While walking to the ceremony, I stepped on a mine.”


On teaching: “I felt sorry for the children in the village because they were all illiterate.  When I was asked to become a teacher, I agreed because I want to get rid of illiteracy.”


On the new building: “As a school teacher, I am very happy with the new building.  Before, I taught children in a small and crowded classroom, but now we have a large spacious classroom, which makes teaching easier.  In the old classroom, sometimes my students could not all sit at tables because we did not have enough space to fit any more tables.”


On school subjects: “I like teaching Khmer because I think that it is a basic subject.  The hardest to teach is applied sciences because I lack the pictures to illustrate the lessons to the students.”


Message for Bruce Roberts: “I would like to thank the Roberts family very much for building a new school for the children in this village.”