Chea Kamsot # 129

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sam Rong Nippon Foundation School Chea Kamsot is a sixteen years old sixth grade student at the Sam Rong Nippon Foundation School. He was ranked top of his class of 39 students On himself:   I am the youngest of three children. My parents are both farmers, but my […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sam Rong Nippon

Foundation School

Chea Kamsot is a sixteen years old sixth grade student at the Sam Rong Nippon Foundation School.
He was ranked top of his class of 39 students

On himself:


I am the youngest of three children. My parents are both farmers, but my mother also sells snacks from our house. We live about 1 km from here.


On the new building:


I like it very much, because it encourages me to continue my studies. The new school is strong and clean. When I was studying at the old school, I used to think it was hopeless. I foresaw that the school would collapse soon and in fact it did. The new classrooms are spacious and look nice. After sixth grade I will unfortunately have to stop studying and help my mother, because she needs my help.


Favorite subject:


Applied science and Khmer are the subjects I like the most. I like applied science because I like learning about sanitation. .


On his spare time:


I study at home, and review the last lesson. I also help parents with my work at home. I collect firewood, boil the rice, look after our cows, and water the vegetables.


If he had one wish:


I’d wish that I could be a farmer.


If he could travel anywhere:


I would travel to Angkor Wat. It is full of old relics. I am especially interested in learning more about the person who built the temples.