Thuy Thea # 107

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School (December, 2001) Thuy Thea is an 11-year-old third grade student at the Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School.  Her parents are farmers and two of her three younger brothers are also at the school. In Their Own Words. . .  On the new building:  “I like the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Santhipeap Nippon

Foundation School

(December, 2001)

Thuy Thea is an 11-year-old third grade student at the Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School.  Her parents are farmers and two of her three younger brothers are also at the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building:  “I like the new school because it is nice.  The old building had a thatched roof that would collapse when it rained.  Now, we have a concrete building that doesn’t collapse and is very large.”


On school subjects: “I like learning social science and Khmer because they are easy to learn and the lessons are easy to read.  I don’t like learning mathematics or applied science because there are too many questions and it is hard to answer them.”


On her future:  “I want to go to university so that I can get a good job.  My parents never went to school, so they don’t know how to read and write.  I want to be a nurse so that I can help the sick people in my village.”


If I could do anything…: “I would help Cambodia develop because there has always been war here.”