Nim Nin # 46

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sharing Foundation School Nim Nin is a farmer who lives by the Sharing Foundation School.   On himself: I am fifty-eight years old. I have seven children; two of them are studying at the [Sharing Foundation School]. I am a farmer. I own two hectares. I only grow rice […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sharing Foundation School

Nim Nin is a farmer who lives by the Sharing Foundation School.


On himself: I am fifty-eight years old. I have seven children; two of them are studying at the [Sharing Foundation School]. I am a farmer. I own two hectares. I only grow rice on the. Some of the rice I sell, and some of it I use myself. I harvest about 2,5 tons of rice a year. When I sell the rice, I get just over 400 riel per kilogram [equivalent to approx. 10 cents (US)].


On the new building: Ever since the new school was built, I’ve been very pleased, because I know that my children can study close to home. Before, my children would go very far for school: 3.5 kilometers. There was no school here for them then. Now they only need to walk 700 meters.