Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

Number of School: 217
Name of School: The Shinohara Manabu School
Name of Donor: Shinohara Manabu
Location of School
Province: Kampong Speu
District: Udong
Commune: Damnak Raing
Village: Kraing Khnor
Status: Complete
Start of construction: 15 January 2003
End of construction: 20 July 2003
Student body:  439
Teaching Staff: 7
Classrooms: 10
Average Student per class: 44
Distance from city: 68 Kb
Travel Time: 2 hours


Mr. Shinohara Manabu and his wife, Kumiko, sit at the presidency table at the opening ceremony of the school they donated

Mrs. Kumiko gives school supplies to children after the opening ceremony

Mr. Shinohara Manabu gives school supplies to children at his school

While a school girl is typing, Mr. Shinohara Manabu looks at the computer operated by the solar panels he funded

Mr. Shinohara Manabu trains his school children to play-ball from his rich experiences in such sports as he was a former sports coach at a primary school in Japan.

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Kang Thy is the 48-year old director of the Shinohara Manabu School
Phay Sarom is a 13-year old 5th grade student at the Shinohara Manabu School
Lay Sok Heng is a 14-year old 4th grade student at the Shinohara Manabu School
Mr. Phin Chey is a 48-year old farmer at the school village
Kang Thy # 217
Phay Sarom # 217
Lay Sok Heng # 217
Kang Thy # 217