Eng Phal # 122

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Snourl Treit Nippon Foundation School Eng Phal is a fourth grade student at the Snourl Treit Nippon Foundation School. Out of thirty-nine students, he was ranked first. On himself:   I am fifteen years old. I have five siblings. One of my brothers is in the third grade. My […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Snourl Treit Nippon

Foundation School

Eng Phal is a fourth grade student at the Snourl Treit Nippon Foundation School.
Out of thirty-nine students, he was ranked first.

On himself:


I am fifteen years old. I have five siblings. One of my brothers is in the third grade. My parents are both farmers. We live three kilometers away from school. It takes me thirty minutes by bike to get here.


On the new building:


I am very happy that I can study in this new building. It has desks and windows, and is much stronger than the old school. At the old school, there was only one desk for three students. Now there is one for every two students.


Favorite subject:


Math. I find it easy to understand.


On his spare time: I like playing with my friends, especially ‘Leng Chhous’*. At home, I carry water, chop wood, and look after the cows.

*[Leng Chhous is a Khmer game where a sandal is kicked along the ground towards a prize. Whoever hits the price or comes closest to it wins. The catch is that the sandal has to be kicked while skipping on one foot. The other foot without a sandal cannot touch the ground].


In the future: I would like to be a teacher. I think would like it.


If he could do anything:


I would be a policeman, because the police help organize and enforce the rules of society. They maintain the law.


If he could travel anywhere:


I would go to Angkor Wat. It has many old relics from the Angkor period.