Sat Ken # 154

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Sre Chang Nippon Foundation School Sat Ken is an 11-year-old second grade student at the Sre Chang Nippon Foundation School. Out of the 33 students in her class, she was ranked first On herself:   I have three brothers and two sisters. My parents are both rice farmers. To […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Sre Chang Nippon

Foundation School

Sat Ken is an 11-year-old second grade student at the Sre Chang Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the 33 students in her class, she was ranked first

On herself:


I have three brothers and two sisters. My parents are both rice farmers. To earn some extra money, my parents will also go looking for firewood that burns and smokes well. Our house is only a ten-minute walk from here.


On the new building:


I am very happy with the new building. I didn’t like studying at the old school. It was almost like ruins. The new school is very good, so I like to study here. It makes me more eager to study.


Favorite subject:


I like Khmer the most. My favorite lesson was one about the Tonle Sap river.


On her spare time:


In my spare time I cook rice and soup, chop firewood, and feed our pigs. We have one pig.


If she could travel anywhere


I would visit the Central Market in Phnom Penh. I visited it one month ago. I want to go back to buy certain some vegetables and cakes.


If she could do anything:


I want to own my own dress shop and make my own dresses. I want to have it in my village.




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