Ly Seiha # 47

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Stefan Ellis School (August, 2001) Ly Seiha is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Stefan Ellis School.  Her mother is a farmer and her father is a musician and instrument craftsman and merchant.  She is in the same class as her older sister. In Their Own Words. . […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Stefan Ellis School

(August, 2001)

Ly Seiha is a 12-year-old second grade student at the Stefan Ellis School.  Her mother is a farmer and her father is a musician and instrument craftsman and merchant.  She is in the same class as her older sister.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like the new building because it has much more room that the old building and the roof doesn’t leak.”


On being in school with her sister: “I like being in the same class as my sister because she helps me out when I have trouble.”


On school subjects:  “I like Khmer best, because I can learn how to read and write well.  Math is my least favorite because it is difficult to understand.”


On her free time: “I stay at home to do chores and help my mother cook.  My favorite thing to do in the village is to visit my uncle’s house, because I like to play with my cousins.  My favorite game is hide and go seek.”


If I could go anywhere…:  “I would go to Angkor Wat again, because I love the views.”  [Angkor Wat is walking distance from Kra Vanh village.]


On her future: “I want to go to high school because I like school.  My parents will allow me to go to school because they think it is important for me, so that I can get a good job.  I want to run a shop in Siem Reap town when I grow up.”