Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

(August, 2001)

Number of School:
Name of School:
The Suon Ampov Leu Nippon Foundation School
Name of Donor:
The Nippon Foundation
Location of School
District: Pailin
Commune: Pailin
Village: Suon Ampov Leu
Status: Complete
Start of construction: May 11, 2000
End of construction: December 27, 2000
District Population: 21,178
Student Body: 131
Teaching Staff: 5
Average student per class: 40
Solar Panels: Yes
Distance from Phnom Penh: 367 km
Travel Time: 2 days

Children playing in front of the Suon Ampov Leu Nippon Foundation School.  (August, 2001)

In Their Own Words. .

Ms. Phang Srey Leung is the Deputy Director
Sourn Chanthy is a 13-year-old third grade student
Pham Chayden is a 12-year-old second grade student
Mrs. Su Thea is a farmer




Phang Srey Leung # 37
Sourn Chanthy # 37
Pham Chayden # 37
Su Thea # 37