Yuom Reun # 187

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School Yuom Reun is a sixth grade student at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School On himself:   I am sixteen years old. I have three siblings and all of them visit this school. My parents are both farmers. Our house is about eight hundred […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Svay Sar Nippon

Foundation School

Yuom Reun is a sixth grade student at the Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School

On himself:


I am sixteen years old. I have three siblings and all of them visit this school. My parents are both farmers. Our house is about eight hundred meters from school, and it takes me about fifteen minutes to walk.


On the new building:


The new building where I’m studying is cool and nice. It is very comfortable to study there. The rain does not bother me anymore. At the old school, the rain would interrupt the classes. The rain would make so much noise that I could hardly hear what the teacher was saying.


Favorite subject:


Math is my favorite subject. I like to learn about arithmetic.


In his spare time:


I help my parents with their work at home. I watch over the cows, and get water for the house and for watering the vegetables.


In the future:


I’d want to be a teacher, because there isn’t any other job.


If he could do anything:


I haven’t decided yet. I have no plan. Maybe I’ll be a mechanic and fix cars and motorbikes.


If he could travel anywhere:


I want to see the old building at Angkor Wat.