Meas Sophal # 42

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School Mr. Meas Sophal is the director of the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School. On himself: I am thirty years old. I got married in 1987 and have one daughter, but ever since my wife died my daughter lives with my mother in Battambang. I […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ta Dav Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Meas Sophal is the director of the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School.

On himself: I am thirty years old. I got married in 1987 and have one daughter, but ever since my wife died my daughter lives with my mother in Battambang. I am originally from Battambang too, but was assigned to this school by the Ministry of Education in 2001. I have been a teacher since 1998.


On the new building: We never had a school here before. This is the first one ever built here. I am very happy that the school was built. Without it nobody would go to school.


(Least) Favorite subject to teach: Khmer is my favorite subject to teach. I want to teach my students how to love their studies. My least favorite is math. When I teach it, the students don’t understand. I try to explain to them many times, but they still don’t understand. So I get frustrated.


On living alone: I live here alone and it’s no problem. My daughter lives with my mother, and she came to visit me a couple of times. She is eighteen years old now.