Sroeung Kan # 42

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School Sroeung Kan is a third grade student at the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School. He lives just down the road from the school. On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have two siblings. Both of them go to school. My parents are farmers. […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ta Dav Nippon Foundation


Sroeung Kan is a third grade student at the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School.
He lives just down the road from the school.

On himself: I am fifteen years old. I have two siblings. Both of them go to school. My parents are farmers. They grow rice. I started school two years ago. I started as a second grade student. I went to school in Anlong Veng for a year, but stopped and moved back here when the new school opened, because this is where my family’s from.


On the new building:


The old school was not that different from the new school. It was built by Ta Mok [the infamous military commander of the Khmer Rouge]. The school was also made of concrete and was very nice, but I would rather go to this school in my own village, because this is my homeland.


Favorite subject:


I like Khmer the most. I learned how to read letters. I can also write, but not as well as I can read.


On his spare time:


In my spare time, I take care of cows and go to fetch water to cook rice. During recess, I like to play soccer. I play with the other students and also with some of the teachers. I play every day.


In the future: I want to be a nurse and take care of patients.


If he could travel anywhere: I would go to see Angkor Wat.