Suo Sokum # 42

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School Suo Sokum is a second grade student at the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School. She lives right near the school. On herself: I am fourteen years old. Three of my four siblings are at school with me. I live with my mother. She is […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ta Dav Nippon Foundation


Suo Sokum is a second grade student at the Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School.
She lives right near the school.

On herself: I am fourteen years old. Three of my four siblings are at school with me. I live with my mother. She is a farmer. My father died when he went to rice field to check for wild animals, like boars. Nobody knows what he died of. It happened two years ago.


On the new building: I love the new school. I am very happy to go there. The building is strong and nice. Without it I would never have had an opportunity to go to school.


On her spare time: I help my mother in the farm. I remove sticks and bushes from our land so that we can plant rice there. When I’ m home I help cook rice.


In the future: I don’t know—maybe a teacher?