Mam Rithy # 132

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Ta Krey Nippon Foundation School Mr. Mam Rithy is the director of the Ta Krey Nippon Foundation School. He is fifty-one years old, married, and has three daughters and three sons. His house is 2 km away from the school. He rides a motorbike for 15 minutes to get […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Ta Krey Nippon

Foundation School

Mr. Mam Rithy is the director of the Ta Krey Nippon Foundation School. He is fifty-one years old, married, and has three daughters and three sons. His house is 2 km away from the school. He rides a motorbike for 15 minutes to get to the school

On his history:


“Originally I was born and brought up in Takeo province. When the Khmer Rouge was overthrown by the Vietnamese troops in 1979, I was driven to the western border which remained under the control of the Khmer Rouge even after the Vietnamese occupation. I was made to be a teacher by the Khmer Rouge in 1993. My first assignment was to teach children in a primary school in this district. In 1999, I was promoted and was sent here as a school director.


On teaching:


“At school, I focus mainly on Khmer literature and mathematics. Social studies and the applied science in my opinion are supplementary subjects. I am doing my best make my students literate. Khmer language is a hard subject because there are many difficult words.”


On the new building:


“At the old school we could not study when it rained, because the school would flood. But now, this problem has been solved thanks to the donor who built this school for us. I promise to do my best to protect the building from being broken or robbed.”