Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

Bicycles parked outside the Takao Onada School, May 2003

Number of School: 50
Name of School: The Takao Onoda School
Name of Donor: Seiko Onoda
Location of School
Province: Kampong Cham
District: Chhoeung Prey
Commune: Chey Sdeung
Village: Sangke
Status: Complete
Start of construction: May 15th, 2000
End of construction: November 9th, 2000
Student body: 327
Teaching staff: 5 (w/ Computer and English teacher)
Classrooms: 4 + 1
Average students per room: 30-50
Distance from city: 95 km
Travel Time: Dry season: 1 hr 30 min Wet season: 1 hr 30 min

Recess at the Takao Onoda School. The signboard reads: “Donated by Seiko Onoda in the name Takao Onada and the Social Fund 2000”

Students buying baby watermelons outside the Takao Onoda School during recess.

Extra facilities at the Takao Onoda School, provided by Mr. Seiko Onoda

In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Keo Mon is the director of the Takao Onoda School.
Hoeun Srey Oun is a fifth grade student at the Takao Onoda School.

Mao Sambo is a sixth grade student at the Takao Onoda School.

Mr. Li Phe is seventy-five years old, and the caretaker of the Takao Onoda School.
Keo Mon # 50
Hoeun Srey Oun # 50
Mao Sambo # 50
Li Phe # 50