Neang Mot # 164

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Talo Nippon Foundation School Mrs. Neang Mot is a farmer who lives near the Talo Nippon Foundation School. On herself:   I am 53 years old. I have seven children. One of my daughters is a fourth grade student here. I have one hectare of land and go to […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Talo Nippon Foundation


Mrs. Neang Mot is a farmer who lives near the Talo Nippon Foundation School.

On herself:


I am 53 years old. I have seven children. One of my daughters is a fourth grade student here. I have one hectare of land and go to farm the rice paddy everyday. I also sell sweets at a market. If any of the sweets are left over, I give them to my children to sell at school. My husband is a soldier. He lives at a military base. I go to see him one to four times a month.


On the new building:


I am very excited to have this new school here in my village. It’s very different from the old schools. The previous building was wooden-made, and was smaller than the new one. It also looked very old. My daughter is also happy with the new school, and likes studying there a lot. The best thing about the school is that it is a safe place for the students to come and obtain knowledge.