Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School.
Flowers decorate the outside of each classroom.

Number of School: 171
Name of School: The Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School
Name of Donor: Nippon Foundation
Location of School
Province: Koh Kong
District: Kampong Seila
Commune: Chamkar Luong
Village: Chamkar Luong
Status: Complete
Start of Construction: April 24, 2002
End of Construction: September 20, 2002
Student Body: 277
Teaching Staff: 4
Classrooms: 4
Average Number of Students per class: 45
Distance from City: 170
Travel Time: (dry season) 2 hrs 30 min (wet season) 3 hrs

Students playing “Lot Anteak” outside the Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School; a Cambodian version of jump-rope, where the rope is replaced by an elastic string that moves sideways along the ground. A pair of sandals is

attached to the string for extra speed.

In Their Own Words . . .

Mr. Sao Pros is the director of the Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School.
Kun Sophon is a first-grade student at the Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School.
Som Srey Touch is a second-grade student at the Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School. Out of the fifty students in her class, she was ranked first.
Mr. Keo Gneth sells ice-cream outside the Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School.
Sao Pros # 171
Kun Sophon # 171
Som Srey Touch # 171
Keo Gneth # 171