Rural Schools Program

Build a rural school or adopt an existing school and enhance it with computer training, English lessons, vegetable gardens and more! Give children of the rural poor areas of Cambodia opportunities for a better education and brighter life.

Rural Schools and List of Donors

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Tokunori Morisaki

School No. Two

(Mar, 2001)

Number of School:
Name of School:
The Tokunori Morisakai School No. Two
Name of Donor:
Tokunori Morisaki
Location of School
Banteay Meanchey
District: Mongkul Borei
Commune: Ta Lom
Village: Boeung Khlaing Khang Kefth
Start of construction: July 21, 2000
End of construction: December 3, 2000
Teaching staff: 3
Classrooms: 3 (1 room=72 m2)
Average student per class: 35
Student body: 143 (59 girls, 84 boys)
Distance from Phnom Penh: 354 km (8:30 hrs)

Students of The Tokunori Morisaki School Number Two (Mar, 2001)

  In Their Own Words. . . 

Mr. Sob Seun, the school director  (Mar, 2001)
Chun Kem Vong, a third grade student  (Mar, 2001)
Yun Chrev, a fifth grade student  (Mar, 2001)
Mr. Nou Chan, a villager  (Mar, 2001)
Sob Seun # 14
Chun Kem Vong # 14
Yun Chrev # 14
Nou Chan # 14