Kuor On # 16

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Toshio Nakamura School Kuor On is a 32-year old farmer.  She has two children studying at the Toshio Nakamura School. (August, 2001) Kuor On is 32-year old woman. She is a farmer and has two sons and two daughters. One of her sons and one of her daughters are […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Toshio Nakamura School

Kuor On is a 32-year old farmer.  She has two children studying at the Toshio Nakamura School. (August, 2001)

Kuor On is 32-year old woman. She is a farmer and has two sons and two daughters. One of her sons and one of her daughters are studying at the Toshio Nakamura School.  They are both in first grade.  Her house is about two km away from the school.

In Their Own Words

On her livelihood: “I used to be a farmer, but my husband was struck by lightning about a year ago.  He was riding his ox-cart back from our rice field, which is 8 km away from our house.  It also killed our two oxen.  Now we have the rice field but I cannot farm it because we have no animals to pull the equipment.  Now I sell cakes and soft drinks outside the school to earn money.


On the new building: “I am happy with the concrete building donated by Mr. Nakamura, because it is easy for my children to study in.  The school can also help improve my living condition in the future because my children will get knowledge and find good jobs.”


Message for the donor: “I am very thankful to the donor who gave us a new building and I hope my children will obtain knowledge and will have a bright and good future.”