Phat Tompor # 68

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Eight (November, 2001) Phat Tompor is a 19-year-old fifth grade student at the World Mate School Number Eight.  Last year, she was ranked first among her 17 classmates.  Her parents are farmers living 2km from the school. In Their Own Words. . .  On the […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Eight

(November, 2001)

Phat Tompor is a 19-year-old fifth grade student at the World Mate School Number Eight.  Last year, she was ranked first among her 17 classmates.  Her parents are farmers living 2km from the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “Though the new school is a bit further away than the old school, I am still happy to go to study.  At the old school, we could not study when it rained because it was too noisy to hear.”


On school subjects: “I like literature because it is easy to learn.  For me, mathematics is the most difficult subject.  It has so many numbers and that makes me confused.  When we do our exercises, I do not know which figure should be calculated first.”


On her future: “I want to be a teacher because I like teaching and educating children.  I have seen that our teachers have a better life, and I want to do the same.  I wish to continue until high school and then apply for a job as a teacher.  My parents are not rich, but they have money to support my studies.”


Message for Toshu Fukami: “I would like to thank Toshu Fukami for building a new school for my friends and I to study in.”