Vong Maroan # 68

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Eight (November, 2001) Mrs. Vong Maroan is a 43-year-old farmer and mother of 10.  Three of her children study at the school. In Their Own Words. . .  Message for Toshu Fukami: “As a villager here, I am very happy and would like to thank […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Eight

(November, 2001)

Mrs. Vong Maroan is a 43-year-old farmer and mother of 10.  Three of her children study at the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

Message for Toshu Fukami: “As a villager here, I am very happy and would like to thank the donor very much for building a new school for my children and the other children in this village.”


On education: “When I was a girl, I didn’t study at school.  Now, without a good education, my life is hard, so I don’t want my children to follow my path.  I encourage my children to go to school and study hard because I think that with knowledge, they can find good jobs.  I farm to feed them and so they must feed their brains at this new school built by Toshu Fukami.”