Pet Tha # 48

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Four (August, 2001) Mr. Pet Tha is the director of the World Mate School Number Four.  He has been a school director and teacher for 22 years.  He began his career by going to Siem Reap for training. In Their Own Words . . . […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Four

(August, 2001)

Mr. Pet Tha is the director of the World Mate School Number Four.  He has been a school director and teacher for 22 years.  He began his career by going to Siem Reap for training.

In Their Own Words . . .

On the new building: “The new building is very good.  The old one had no walls between classes so the other classes easily distracted the students.  When I taught, it was difficult for the students to understand.  Now, it is easy for the students to hear and concentrate.”


On the difficulties of teaching: “Some children are sent to school by their parents at too early of an age to learn properly.  When the children are too young, we still have to take them or they might never get an education.”


On the importance of education: “I studied until the end of secondary school.  It is very important that my students graduate from high school because then they won’t be ignorant.”