Toch Bo # 25

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number One (September, 2001) Toch Bo is a 14-year-old fifth grade student at the World Mate School No. One.  He was ranked first among the 32 students in his class.  He has one brother who will start at the school next year.  His parents are farmers […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School Number One

(September, 2001)

Toch Bo is a 14-year-old fifth grade student at the World Mate School No. One.  He was ranked first among the 32 students in his class.  He has one brother who will start at the school next year.  His parents are farmers and he lives 2 km from the school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “I like the new school building because it is easy to study in and is very nice.  The old building was overcrowded and there were not enough tables for all of the students.  The new school building is easy to study in because it has good tables.”


On school subjects: “I like to come to school because I can get knowledge for the future.  I like learning Khmer so that I can read it easily.  I don’t like learning mathematics because I don’t like numbers and is difficult.”


On his hobbies: “When I have free time, I like to help my parents because my family is very poor.  When I meet my friends, we like to read together.”


On his future:  “I plan to graduate from high school so I can find a job easily.  My parents want me to graduate so that I can support my family.  If I could do anything, I would like to go work for the government and serve the country so that I could help the people in the village.  I would like to be a doctor so that I can help the people in this village.”


On leaving the village: “I do not want to go anywhere, because I want to help my parents.


Message for Mr. Fukami: “I would like to thank Mr. Fukami very much for donating this new school building.”