Luor Jon # 66

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Seven (November, 2000) Mr. Luor Jon is a villager living near the school.  He is married and has a son and a daughter.  His son is in first grade at the school. In Their Own Words. . . On the impact of the school: “Now […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Seven

(November, 2000)

Mr. Luor Jon is a villager living near the school.  He is married and has a son and a daughter.  His son is in first grade at the school.

In Their Own Words. . .

On the impact of the school: “Now our village has a new school with teachers.  It makes me very happy.  With the new school, I think that my children will have a bright future.  Now I don’t make them help me farm, but I encourage them to go to school.”


Message for Toshu Fukami:  “If someone gives us rice, we can eat for a short period, but when someone gives us a school it will last for a long time and give knowledge to our children.  I would like to thank Toshu Fukami for building a new school for the children in this village, especially my children.”