Kanh Cheang # 52

The Cambodia Rural School Project The World Mate School Number Six (October, 2001) Kanh Cheang is a 12-year-old third grade student at the school. He was ranked fifth anomg the 35 students in his second grade class last year. He has two younger brothers also at the school. His parents are farmers, and he bides […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The World Mate School

Number Six

(October, 2001)

Kanh Cheang is a 12-year-old third grade student at the school. He was ranked fifth anomg the 35 students in his second grade class last year. He has two younger brothers also at the school. His parents are farmers, and he bides the two kilometers from his house to school.

In Their Own Words. . . 

On the new building: “ I like the new building because it is very nice. The old building and a thatched roof and it was very loud inside. This building is easy to study in.”


On school subjects: “ I like learning Khmer because it is easy to understand. I don’t like learning social science because I find it hard.”


On his free time: “ I like to read when I have the time, because I want to learn other things.”


On his future: “ I want to graduate from high school so that I can return and help my village. My parents want me to [graduate].


If I could go anywhere…..: “ I would go to Siem Reap because I want to see Angkor Wat.”


If I could do anything……: “ I would build schools for people to learn and hospitals for people who are sick.”


On his future: “ I want to be a teacher because I want to teach other people.”