Ret Sopheap # 124

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School Ret Sopheap is a fourth grade student at the Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School. Out of the thirty-five students in her class, she was ranked first. On herself:   I am thirteen years old. I have four siblings. One of my brothers […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Yeang Dan Kum Nippon

Foundation School

Ret Sopheap is a fourth grade student at the Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School.
Out of the thirty-five students in her class, she was ranked first.

On herself:   I am thirteen years old. I have four siblings. One of my brothers also studies in the first grade at this school. The other brother is fifteen year old and is a monk. He became a monk two years ago.


On the new building:   I am very excited to have a new school building. The old wooden building where I used to study was not as nice. Whenever it rained, the rain would leak through a thatched roof and classes would be cancelled. Furthermore, the new school is only 200 meters away while the old school was 2-3 kilometers away. I have been studying here for one year.


Favorite subject:   Khmer language. I think reading and writing is easy.


On her spare time:   I carry water, cook rice, and take care of my sister. I also do my homework. When I can, I play with my friends and my sister. We play jump rope and hopscotch.


In the future:   I’d like to be a teacher and teach the next generation how to understand the Khmer language. If I had the ability, however, I would be a nurse, because now there are many patients *gives a boy a wink*


If she could travel anywhere   I want to go to Battambang to visit my relatives. They all live there.