San Roen # 124

The Cambodia Rural School Project The Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School San Roen is the school director of the Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School. On himself   I am thirty-three years old and have three children. One of my children is at school, but not this one. She lives with my mother because […]

The Cambodia Rural School Project

The Yeang Dan Kum Nippon

Foundation School

San Roen is the school director of the Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School.

On himself


I am thirty-three years old and have three children. One of my children is at school, but not this one. She lives with my mother because we are poor, and because my mother needs to be taken care of. We have no farm, so my wife stays at home. In order to get some extra money, I often make a trip across the border into Thailand and take on some odd jobs.

I began teaching in 1997. First I taught at Kon Trey village where a civil war was still going on. Then in 2000, I transferred here in O Bei Chan. Now I teach the first and fourth grade.


On the new building: When the new school came, I felt really good. I want to thank the donor who built the school. Many new students came to study because of this new building. The previous building was made of wood and covered with thatch, and there were only two classrooms. We also had a problem with the rain. The rain would drip through the roof, and because the school was old I was anxious that the roof might collapse. So whenever it rained, I would let the students go home.